OSCAR is an open-source platform that supports the Functions as a Service (FaaS) computing model for file-processing applications. It can be automatically deployed on multi-Clouds to create highly-parallel event-driven file-processing serverless applications that execute on customised runtime environments provided by Docker containers than run on an elastic Kubernetes cluster that can grow and shrink in terms of the number of nodes according to the workload. Being able to deploy OSCAR clusters in minified Kubernetes distributions such as K3s, event-driven workflows along the computing continuum can be executed.
Open source/proprietary
Open Source, Apache 2.0 licence, available at http://github.com/grycap/oscar
The image above describes the high-level architecture of OSCAR, including its dependencies with the storage back-ends supported. It is based on an elastic Kubernetes cluster that can grow and shrink in terms of the number of nodes according to the workload to be processed. Files uploaded to MinIO trigger the execution of a Kubernetes job that runs on the underlying distributed infrastructure. It can use several storage systems apart from MinIO such as Amazon S3 and OneData. OSCAR can be dynamically deployed via the Infrastructure Manager. OSCAR can also be run on constrained devices such as Raspberry PIs, since its components have been adapted to the arm64 architecture.