The AI-SPRINT Alliance is composed of a group of a specialised supply and demand community of Software houses, AI-application developers, System integrators, Cloud Providers, Digital Innovation Hubs, and R&D initiatives that can use the AI-SPRINT components and tools with technical support from the project's partners, which includes:
- Use the advanced AI-SPRINT components free of charge and get technical support on their usage.
- Easily integrate the AI-SPRINT components into your own applications and get visibility of your integrated solutions and how it works in the AI-SPRINT channels.
- Be invited as special guest to relevant AI-SPRINT events.
- Provide recommendations for advances from a technological perspective to European Funders and Regulators.
- Contribute to the Open-Source community.
The AI-SPRINT Alliance offers multiple benefits from both AI and Edge European Innovations demand and supply sides:

Watch this short video to learn more about the benefits offered by the AI-SPRINT Alliance
For all our Alliance members, we’re also offering a Market Report we performed in collaboration with IDC on Artificial Intelligence in Europe as a welcoming gift upon registration. All you have to do is apply at this link.