Embark on an educational exploration with our latest MOOC course on "Docker Containers, Serverless Computing, AI-SPRINT Design, TOSCARIZER, COMPSs, dislib & runtime management"
Course Overview:
Through this course, you can explore the world of Docker Containers and Serverless Computing. The course provides a holistic understanding of containerisation, Docker, and serverless computing, spanning from fundamental concepts to practical applications in cloud environments. The course continues with an overview of the AI-SPRINT Design, that helps to standardise the architecture of applications, provide a simple interface between the user and the AI-SPRINT framework.
The course concludes with demos that present the TOSCARIZER, PyCOMPSs and dislib, SPACE4AI-D, OSCAR-P, SPACE4AI-R tools.
Key Topics:
- Virtual Machines vs. Containers
- Introduction to Containers
- Docker Basics
- Docker Engine Management
- Serverless Application Development
- Challenges in Serverless Architectures
- AI-SPRINT Design main characteristics
- AI-SPRINT Design Results
- A demo of the TOSCARIZER tool
- Key features of PyCOMPSs and dislib
- Performance Prediction Strategies
- Design-time Optimization (SPACE4AI-D)
- Profiling and Model Development (OSCAR-P)
- Runtime Adaptation (SPACE4AI-R)
- Validation and Case Studies
- Comparative Analysis
- AI-SPRINT Design Results
Why Join?
By the end of the course, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the modern landscape of containerisation, cloud computing, and serverless architectures.